Every artwork is a story in its own right.
But the sum is bigger than its parts.
Only the full collection can tell the whole overarching story wherein each artwork is just a mere puzzle piece.
Click the thumbnail to experience the soundscape, animation and high resolution image.
Every artwork available as NFT in an edition of one.
Every artwork is therefore guaranteed to only exist in one unique copy.
Available for purchase on the best NFT marketplaces Foundation.
Check out the collections below:
Imagine a city in a post nuclear apocalypse world. Nuclear fallout has laced the landscape with cesium. The land is not arable and the water is poisoned.
Only fragments of previous life remains. Not even animals are present anymore. The air is totally silent. But still not quiet.
It's like the ghosts from the dead world is whispering. Take a walk through the radioactive dust. This is the scenes you would see.
This collection is based on photographs from the city of Pripyat in Ukraine 15 years ago.
Imagine approaching a new world from space.
The destination of a long journey through interstellar space. What would you feel?
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Imagine a world where mankind is not recklessly dominating nature and the beings within. A world where the tables has turned.
What would the life and chores be like? How would it feel?
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